
Recipe submitted by Brenda

Vegan  Easy 
10 mins  2-4 Servings


    Equipment: Large pot, 2 bowls, tongs, colander or mesh strainer

    Basic formula/process for blanching leafy vegetables:

    Blanching serves three purposes: to partially cook vegetables, to season them evenly, and to retain their color.

    The process of blanching makes your veggies a brighter shade of springy green, and keeps them greener for longer.


  • 1 lb leafy vegetables (Spinach, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Kale, etc.)
  • 1 TB Olive Oil
  • 1 Tsp Sesame Oil
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • Pinch of Pepper


  1. Set up your colander or fine mesh strainer in a bowl, along with a bowl of ice water.
  2. Place a pot of salted water on the stove, bring to a high boil.
  3. Add your vegetables ted ice your boil and cook for 30-60 seconds.
  4. Once your vegetables are ready, remove them immediately from the pot and transfer them to the colander-in-ice-bath setup.
  5. Completely submerged veggies in ice water, swish them around a bit, so that the icy cold water is evenly distributed and keeps them from cooking any more than you intended.
  6. Remove veggies from cold water dry completely
  7. In a large bowl, combine the blanched vegetables and seasonings together.
  8. A delicious vegetable dish is done! To add more flavor, add lemon juice, your favorite spices, dressings or hot sauce. Be creative mixing and matching your favorite vegetables and spices! Enjoy the simplicity of cooking!