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How to Transition to a Vegan Diet & Lifestyle

Resource link:

  • Free Vegan Transition Sheets
  • Reasons for Transitioning to a Vegan Diet
  • 3 Ways to Transition to a Vegan Diet
  • Top Vegan Transition Tips
  • More Vegan Guides
  • How to Transition to a Vegan Diet & Lifestyle

Plant-based Shopping Lists

plant-based shopping list

Plant-Based Products

Resource link: Jinka Plant-Based Tuna

When Alberta Liao was young, she was involved in many of the Dao teachings and events. One of the main events Alberta grew up helping was a children’s nonprofit camp. The camp had one simple goal, which was to teach children and teenagers about the teachings of Dao that they could incorporate into their own life as they forge through life and find their path to enlightenment.
As Alberta grew older, she graduated Cornell University, and worked in hotel asset management and luxury hotel development. In 2019, when she came home to help with the Dao camp, she was put in charge of making the afternoon snack. The topic of discussion that year was about sustainability and how we, at home, can do our best to reduce our carbon footprint. With the topic at hand, Alberta decided to make her favorite childhood snack, a tuna sandwich, but plant-based that not only promotes a more sustainable lifestyle, but also the teachings of Dao to love and appreciate living things in our world.
With the help from her grandmother, she and Alberta created a plant-based tuna that received a positive reception from children and sold out in Rainbow's, a local SF store. In 2019, she officially rolled out Jinka Vegan Tuna Spread. Today, the company is expanding its retail presence and preparing to make new product introductions!

Eat Clean

Beware and be aware of unhealthy chemicals in your food

Kitchen Tools